1/3 Cord Aspen/Poplar


Original price was: $347.00.Current price is: $297.00.

Aspen/Poplar 1/3 Cord (no stacking)

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Let the gentle murmurs of the “Whispering Woods” mix guide you to serenity. A tender pairing of Aspen and Poplar, this blend is the very essence of forest tranquility. As it crackles softly, reminiscent of leaves rustling in a gentle breeze, close your eyes and find yourself meandering through a woodland wonderland, where secrets are shared in hushed tones and dreams take root.

Overall, Aspen and Poplar are decent choices for firewood, particularly if you prefer a quick-burning, low-smoke fire. They may not be as long-lasting or as aromatic as some other species which makes it our most economical option.